Greetings :As you see below, I have a few articles published in English, particularly after I entered the world of phenomenology and phenomenological psychology in 1974. I have also a couple of unpublished articles, including the drafts in printed form distributed to the participants at conferences. Now, considering the situation I am in with my age (1934-), I realize that, unless i upload them in this homepage of mine, most of these articles and drafts will remain entirely unknown to anybody in the world, which I would feel personally as regrettable. Thus, I have decided to publish some of them here, either published or unpublished, so that somebody in this global world may be interested in them and might profit by getting the opportunity to read them. And I would appreciate if the reader might let me know how s/he gets stimulated in some way or other, by reading any of the articles posted here. I would be happy and be delighted to receive her/his comments as a reader.
Some of published works will not be immediately available here, because of the copyright problems. In such cases, I would attempt to provide the information regarding the availability of the works via amazon or elsewhere.
Let me express my thanks to you for your attention.
It may take a little while to complete the building of this part of the little world of AKI.
News 『学ぶと教えるの現象学研究』16号が刊行されました。この号には、私の論稿がPDFで掲載されています。以下のBlogで、論稿を探し当てて、ご覧ください。ブログは、宮城教育大学教授・田端健人さまのものです。
2000 AKIHIRO YOSHIDA: 著者 吉田章宏 翻訳者 徐 対秀梅 KOMOMO TO DEAU, 「両代人的交通」 内蒙古大学出版社、呼和浩特市大学西路235号(010021) 中国 定価 12元
This is the Chinese translation of the following Japanese book.
1996年 吉田章宏著 『子どもと出会う』 「子どもと教育」シリーズ全31冊のうちの1冊、岩波書店、211ページ
Note] Aki has a few copies of this little Chinese book remaining and stocked in his library. Please, let him know your mailing address, if you want to have a copy of this Chinese book. Please, notice that this book is written in Chinese language. Aki will delightfully send a copy to you as a gift from Aki, the author of the book. Aki's email address open to public is: Thank you.
2009 On multiple ways of living with the multiplicity of multiple psychologies. The distributed draft for the oral presentation at Molde, Norway, 2009 IHSRC
2006 Akihiro YOSHIDA (2006) On Anonymization and Fictionalization in WRITING educational/clinical practices: A Phenomenological psychological exploration. The distributed manuscript for an Oral Presentation at 2006 International Humans Science Research Conference held at John. F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill, California, USA. 2006 August 4, Friday, 11:30-12:10.
1991 On the Self-Education of Japanese Teachers: "How have Japanese teachers improved practices"
The following series of abstracts in English are taken from the articles in Japanese、published in the Bulletin of the College of Integrated Human and Social Welfare Studies, Shukutoku University in Chiba, Japan. The theme is focused upon the Methodology of Psychological Researches. All the articles are written as a series under the Main Title of "A Meditation on the Research Methodology of Psychology" , with more specific subtitles for each. Therefore, only the published years and the sub-titles will be indicated for the pdf below.