
2015 宮澤康人 Bildungsromanと教育学
宮澤康人 2015 Bildungsromanと教育学.pdf
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A Summer Story 1967, by 崔 明 博士 Dr. Myung Chey
A Summer Story 1967, by 崔 明 博士 Dr. Myung
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2014 Myung Chey 崔 明 著 A Song of Sake
Dr. Myung Chey is a Professor Emeritus, in Political Science, of the Seoul National University, Korea. In the chapter uploaded, he wrote his memories from the long personal history of the friendship since 1965 with Akihiro Yoshida. Both were graduate students then at the University of Illinois, USA. Luckily, our international friendship has still been continuing. Myung seems to have written how we drank together with much delight.
Myung Chey 崔 明 A Song of Sake 2014 (2).p
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