By Mr. Akihiro YOSHIDA (1934-), Ph.D. : “Call me AKI!”
Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Japan
Recommended Works of Uta Hagen:
Uta Hagen with Haskel Frankel (1973) Respect for Acting, John Wiley & Sons
Uta Hagen (1991) A Challenge for the Actor, Scribner
Uta Hagen(1983) Sources: A Memoir, Performing Arts Journal Publications
DVD(2002) Uta Hagen’s acting class. Applause Theatre & Cinema Books
DVD(2011) The Other. Twenty Century Fox Home Entertainment.
NOTES. 1) Works below have, either implicitly or explicitly, nourished Aki YOSHIDA’s ideas for these 80 years on Learning and Teaching, Living-with-others-in-the-World, and on Practicing, Researching, Theorizing, and also on “Living a Life and dying a Death”. 2) The list is intended to suggest and encourage further development of the International Human Science Research. 3) The list was intended both for English speaking colleagues and for Japanese colleagues. 4) The mark (#) indicates that the reference may not be available in English, as far as Aki knows. 5) The list is born out of a personally lived history of a Japanese, therefore, naturally, never normative but only suggestive and implicative. Never exhaustive, neither necessary nor sufficient. To emphasize, the list is Intended to be only suggestive and implicative, and hopefully, also informative.
(According to the Alphabetical order of the authors’ family names).
Abe, Kobo(1966) The Face of Another, trans. by E.Dale Saunders. Charles E. Tuttle Co.
Ackoff, Russell L.& Emery, Fred E.(1972) On Purposeful Systems: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Individual and Social Behavior as a System of Purposeful Events. Tavistock Publications.
アドラー、アルフレード(1984)高尾利数訳『人生の意味の心理学』春秋社 Adler, Alfred (1932) What Life Should Mean to You.
アラン(1953)『教育論』水野成夫・矢島剛一訳、創元文庫 Alain (1932) Propos sur l’Education.
Allen, L. Vernon ed, (1976) Children as Teachers: Theory and Research on Tutoring. Academic Press.
天野 篤(2014)『熱く生きる』セブン&アイ出版 # AMANO, Atsushi(2014) Living with Zeal, Seven & Eye Press.
Apel, Karl-Otto (1984) Understanding and Explanation, trans. by Beorgia Warnke, MIT Press
Arnheim, Rudolf (1958) Film as Art, Farber and Farber, London/ University of California Press
Arnheim, Rudolf (1969) Visual Thinking. University of California Press
# アルセニエフ(1975)加藤九そう訳『デルス・ウザーラ』角川文庫
Ashby, W. Ross (1956) An Introduction to Cybernetics.Chapman & Hall
蘆田恵之助(1934)『風鈴』教壇叢書第一冊、恵雨会 # ASHIDA, Enosuke(1934) Furin (Japanese Wind Chime) Keiu-kai#
蘆田恵之助(1934)『松坂の一夜』教壇叢書第二冊、恵雨会 # ASHIDA, Enosuke(1934) Matsuzaka no Hitoya (A Night at Matsuzaka) Keiu-kai
蘆田恵之助著(1972)『恵雨自伝』上下、実践社 # ASHIDA, Enosuke(1972) Autobiography of Enosuke ASHIDA, 2 vols. Jissen-sha
蘆田恵之助 全集 明治図書 Collected Works of ASHIDA Enosuke, 25vols. Meiji-tosho
# 『入門 蘆田恵之助』教育科学 国語教育 臨時増刊 1987 3 明治図書
Ausubel, David P. (1963) The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning; An Introduction to School Learning. Grune & Stratton
Ausubel, David P.(1968) Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View. Holt, Rinehart and Winston
オースベル、D.P. ・ロビンソン、F.G.(1984)吉田章宏・松田弥生 共訳『教室学習の心理学』、黎明書房
Ausubel,D.P./ Robinson,F.G.(1969) School Learning:An Introduction to Educational Psychology. HRW
Balazs, Bela (1949) DER FILM: Wesen und Werden einer neuen Kunst. Globus
Balazs, Bela (1930) Die Kunst des Films : Eine Film-Dramaturgie. es Films.
Balazs, Bela (1930) Der Geist des Films.Wilhelm Knapp Verlag
Becker, Ernest(1973) The Denial of Death, The Free Press
ベンダサン、イザヤ著(1970)『日本人とユダヤ人』山本書店 # BenDasan, Isaiah (1970) Japanese and Jews.Yamamoto-shoten
ベルク,van den著(1976) 早坂泰次郎・田中一彦訳『人間ひとりひとり:現象学的精神病理学入門』現代社
Berg, van den (1974) A Different Existence: Principles of Phenomenological Psychopathology, Duquesne UP
ボーヴォワール、シモーヌ著(19xx) 朝吹三吉訳『老い:人生の究極的意味』上下、人文書院
Beauvoir, Simone de, (1972/1970) The Coming of Age. Trans. Patrick O’Brian, W. W. Norton Co.
ブランケンブルク、W.(1978) 木村敏・岡本進・島弘嗣訳『自明性の喪失:分裂病の現象学』みすず書房
Blackenburg, Wolfgang (1971) Der Verlust der Natuerlichen Selbstverstaendlichkeit, Ein Beitrag zur Psychopathologie symptomarmer Schizophrenien, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stutugart
ボルノー、O.F.(1978) 西村皓・森田孝訳『真理の二重の顔』理想社
Bollnow, O.F. (1975) Das Doppelsicht der Wahrheit : Philosophie der Erkenntinis, Zveiter Teil, Verlag W. Kohlhammer GmbH.
ボルノー、O.F.(1978) 大塚恵一・池川健司・中村浩平訳『人間と空間』せりか書房
Bollnow, Otto Freidrich (1963): Mensch und
Raum. W. Kohlhammer. Stuttgart.
Booke, Kees (1957) Cosmic View : The Universe in 40 Jumps. The John Day Co.
Boss, Medard (1947) Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen: Ein Dasainsanalytischer Beitrag zur Psychopathologie des Phaenomens der Liebe, Verlag Hans Huber, Bern
Briton, Dorothy (1974) A Haiku Journey : Basho’s Narrow Road to a Far Province.「奥の細道」講談社
Bruner, S. Jerome (1962) The Process of Education, Harvard UP. Cambridge, Massachusetts
ブルーナー、J.S. 著(1963) 鈴木祥蔵・佐藤三郎訳『教育の過程』岩波書店
バック、パール(1993) 伊藤隆二訳『母よ嘆くなかれ』(新訳版)法政大学出版局
Buck, Pearl S. (1950) The Child who Never Grew. Longmans, Green & Co. Toronto
Capa, Robert (1991) Children of War, Children of Peace. Ed. Cornell Capa & Richard Whelen, A Bulfinch Press Book
Chamberlain, David (1988) Babies Remember Birth. Jeremy P.Tarcher.Inc., Los Angels
クラウゼウィッツ著 (1965) 淡 徳三郎訳『戦争論』徳間書店 Clausewitz, Carl von (1832-37),Vom Kriege, Original Publisher not given.
Cole, Thomas R. & Mary G. Winkler eds.(1994) The Oxford Book of Aging: Reflections on the Journey of Life. Oxford UP
土居健郎(1971)『「甘え」の構造』弘文堂 DOI, Takedo (1973) The anatomy of dependence: Exploring an area of the Japanese Psycho—Feelings of indulgence. Trans. by John Bester. Kodansha International Ltd.
土居健郎(2000)『文学と精神医学』土居健郎選集 7.岩波書店
Dower, John W.(1999) Embracing defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II. W.W.Norton & Co.
ダワー、ジョン(2001) 三浦陽一・高杉忠明訳『敗北を抱きしめて:第二次大戦後の日本人』上下、岩波書店
ダンハム、B.著(1954)泉誠一訳『現代の神話:正しいものの考え方』上下 岩波新書
Dunham, Barrows(1947) Man Against Myth, Little Brown & Co
Eisenstein, Sergei (1957) Film Form and the Film Sense. Meridian Books
フェルマン、フェルディナンド(1994) 木田元訳『現象学と表現主義』講談社学術文庫
Fellmann, Ferdinand (1982) Phaenomenologie und Expressionismus, Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg/Muenchen
Flavell, John H.(1963) The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget, D. Van Nostrand Co.
フランクル、V. (1956) 霜山徳爾訳『夜と霧:ドイツ強制収容所の体験記録』みすず書房
Frankle, Viktor E.(1947) Ein Psycholog Erlebt das Konzentrationslager. Jugend und Volk, Wien
フランクル、V. (1979) 大沢 博 訳『意味への意志』ブレーン社/ フランクル、V. (2002) 山田邦男 訳『意味への意志』春秋社
Frankle, Viktor E. (1969) The Will to Meaning. (Der Wille zum Sinn) New American Library, New York
ガダマー、ハンス=ゲオルグ(1986・1960) 轡田収ほか訳 『真理と方法 I』法政大学出版局
Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1975) Truth and Method. Trans. Garrett Barden and John Cumming, The Seabury Press
ガロディー、ロジェ(1956) 森宏一訳『認識論』上下、青木書店
Garaudy, Roger(1953) La theorie materialiste de lat connaissance, Presses universitaires de France
Gendline, Eugene T.(1996) Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method. The Guilford Press
ジオルジ、A (1981) 早坂泰次郎監訳『現象学的心理学の系譜』勁草書房
Giorgi, Amedeo (1970) Psychology as a Human Science: A Phenomenologically Based Approach, Harper & Row
Giorgi, Amedeo / others ed. (1971/1975/1979/1983) Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology, Vol. I,II,III,IV. Duquesne UP
Giorgi, Amedeo ed.(1985) Phenomenology and Psychological Research. Duquesne UP
ジオルジ、A (2013) 吉田章宏訳『心理学における現象学的アプローチ:理論・歴史・方法・実践』新曜社
Giorgi, Amedeo (2009) The Descriptive Phenomenological Method in Psychology: A Modified Husserlian Approach, Duquesne UP
Goldberg, Vick (1999) Lewis W Hine:Children at Work. Prestel
Gombrick, E. H. (1960) Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation..Pantheon Books
Harms, Arnold C. (1999) The Spiral of Inquiry: A Study in the Phenomenology of Inquiry. UP of America
畑村洋太郎(2005)『失敗学の法則』文春文庫、HATAMURA, Yotaro (2005) The Law of Failures, Bungei-shunjusha
畑山 博(1992)『教師 宮沢賢治のしごと』小学館 # HATAYAMA, Hiroshi (1992), The Work of the Teacher Kenji MIYAZAWA, Shogakkan
ハイデガー、M.(1960・1966) 松尾啓吉訳『存在と時間』上下、勁草書房
Heidegger, Martin(1996/1953) Being and Time, A Translation of Sein und Zeit, Tras. By Joan Stambaugh, SUNY Press.
Heideger, Martin(1982/1975) The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, A Translation of Grundprobleme der Phenomenologie. Trans. by Albert Hofsteadter, Indiana UP
ヘリゲル、オイゲン著(1980)稲富栄次郎・上田武訳『弓と禅』福村出版 Herrigel, Eugen (1948) Zen in der Kunst des Bogenschiessens.
ヘリゲル、オイゲン著(1982)柴田治三郎訳『日本の弓術』岩波文庫 Herrigel, Eugen (1936) Der ritterliche Kunst des Bogenschiessens.
ヘッセ、ヘルマン(1951)高橋健二訳『デミアン エーミール・シンクレールの青春の物語』新潮文庫
Hesse, Herman (1919) Demian. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs’s Jugend
ヒルマン、ジェームズ(2000)鏡リュウジ訳『老いることでわかる 性格の力』河出書房新社
Hillman, James(1999) The Force of Character and the Lasting Life. Random House
Hoffmann, Joel, complied by, (1986) Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death. 『辞世』Charles E. Tuttle Co. Tokyo
Holt, John (1964) How Children Fail, Pitman Publishing Corporation
ホルト、ジョン(1981)吉田章宏監訳 志村正子・吉池安恵共訳『子ども達はどうつまずくか』評論社
Holt, John(19xx) How Children Learn.
Hovland, Carl I./ Irving L. Janis / Harold H. Kelly (1953) Communication and Persuasion: Psychological Studies of Opinion Change. Yale UP
フッサール、E. (2009) 『イデーンII-II: 純粋現象学と現象学的哲学のための諸構想;第2巻 構成についての現象学的諸研究』立松弘孝・榊原哲也共訳、みすず書房
Husserl, Edmund(1989) Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and a Phenomenological Philosophy. Second Book Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution. Translated by Richard Rojcewicz and Andre Schwer, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Husserl, Edumund (1954) Die Krisis der europaeischen Wissenschaften und die transcendental Phaenomenologie: Eine Einleitung in die phaenomenologische Philosophie, Husserliana Bd. VI.
Husserl, Edmund(1948) Erfahrung und Urteil: Untersuchung zur Genealogie der Logik.ed. Ludwig Landgrebe. Classen & Goverts, Hamburg
Husserl, Edmund(1977/1962) Phenomenological Psychology: Trans. by John Scanlon, Martinus Nijhoff.
フッサール、エドモント(1980)新田義弘・村田純一訳 「自然の空間性の現象学的起源に関する基礎研究:コペルニクス説の転覆」、木田元・滝浦静雄・立松弘孝・新田義弘編『現象学と現代思想:講座・現象学3』弘文堂、所収 267-294
Ihde, Don(1977) Experimental Phenomenology; An Introduction, G.P.Putnams & Sons
Ingarden, Roman (1973) The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art. Trans. by Crowley, R.A. & Olson, K.R. Northwestern UP
インガルデン,R. (1982) 瀧内槇雄・細井雄介訳『文学的芸術作品』勁草書房
Ingarden, Roam (1973) The Literary Work of Art: An Investigation on the Borderlines of Ontology, Logic and Theory of Literature. Trans. by Grabowicz, George G. Northwestern UP
Ingarden, Roman(1989) Ontology of the Work of Art. Trans. by Raymond Meyer with John T. Goldthwait. Ohio UP
Ingarden, Roman(1964) Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt. I. Existentialontologie, Max Niemeyer Verlage, Tuebingen. In 4 Volumes.
Ingarden, Roman(2013) Controversy over the Existence of the World, vol. 1. Tans. by Arthur Szylevicz, Peter Lang GmbH
石川光陽編(1992)『東京大空襲の全記録』岩波書店;# ISHIKAWA, Koyo (1992) The Entire Records of the Big Tokyo Bombing. Iwanami-shoten
伊藤隆二著(1988)『この子らは世の光なり』樹心社; # ITO, Ryuji(1988) The Mentally Retarded Children are the Light of the World, Jushin-sha
伊藤 整著(1962) 『求道者と認識者』新潮社 # ITO, Sei(1962) Seekers after the Way and Cognizers of the Human Lives、Sincho-sha
伊藤 整著(1981)『近代日本人の発想の諸形式』岩波文庫
# ITO, Sei (1981) Forms of the Ways of Thinking among Modern Japanese, Iwanami-shoten
# IZUTSU, Toshihiko(2001) Metaphysics of Consciousness. Chuko-bunko
ヤーガー、B.(1999) 吉田章宏訳「自作農場から都市へ:教育の二つの基本概念」、(別題「家庭の世界から都市の世界へ」)、『学ぶと教えるの現象学的研究 八』中田基昭編、東京大学大学院教育学研究科、学校教育開発学コース、1999年9月発行
Jager, Bernd (1992) From the Homestead to the City: Two Fundamental Concepts of Education, Journal of Phenomenological Psychology. 23. No.2. 149-181
ジェームス、W.(1969) 桝田啓三郎訳『宗教的経験の諸相』上下、岩波文庫
James, William(1901-1902) The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature. Longbmans, Green and Co.
James, William (1983) The Principles of Psychology. Introduction by George A. Miller, Harvard UP
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ジャンケレヴィッチ、ウラジーミル(1978) 中沢紀雄訳『死』、みすず書房
Jankelevitch, Vladimir (1966) La Mort. Flammarion, Paris
ジャンケレヴィッチ、ウラジーミル(1986) 中沢紀雄訳『道徳の逆説』、みすず書房
Jankelevitch, Vladimir (1981) Le Paradoxe de la Morale. Editions du Seuil Paris
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Jankelevitch, Vladimir (1994) Premieres et Dernieres Pages, Editions du Seuil Paris
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Joyce, Bruce/ Weil, Marsha(1980) Models of Teaching. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall
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# KATO, Shuichi(2007) Time and Space in Japanese Culture, Iwanami-shoten
加藤周一, M.ライシュ、R.J. リフトン著(1977) 矢島 翠訳『日本人の死生観』上下、岩波書店
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キーン、E.(1989) 吉田章宏・宮崎清孝訳『現象学的心理学』、東京大学出版会
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And, naturally, there are many other literatures, novels and poems, movies, TV and DVD dramas, along with my own---Aki’s--- personally lived real experiences in his life not explicitly referred to here.